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Building inspectors to the rescue

KUALA LUMPUR: Shoddy work and poor finishing of new houses have driven Malaysians to engage building inspectors to give their property a thorough check.
Although the law provides a 24-month warranty for owners to refer defects to the developers, many house buyers do not know what to look out for.

The inspectors, whose fees range from RM500 to RM3,000, will examine a property and submit a report, which includes recommendations for follow-up action.

Those who use such services are mostly professionals and young couples in their 30s who are first-time house buyers.

The hiring of experts to give a piece of property the once-over is common in Singapore and countries in Europe, but has only recently caught on in Malaysia.
Leon Hamid, operations and liaison director of Specialised Surveying Solutions Sdn Bhd, which provides such a service, said more Malaysian house buyers were realising the need for experts to check their properties.

"With increased affluence and exposure, consumers are now more aware of their rights. Moreover, the reports of the inspectors could be used as evidence in case buyers wanted to take their developers to court," he said.

Since the company was set up in March last year, Leon has seen the number of clients increase from two to eight a month and enquiries had increased by 20 per cent.

Among the major defects commonly found on newly-completed houses are uneven or hollow flooring, as well as water seepage and leakage — all signs that point to poor workmanship and use of inferior materials.

Building surveyor Steven Yap said the awareness of the availability of such a service in the country was still low.

"Many are unaware that getting building inspectors to inspect their homes can save them a lot of heartache at the end of the day," he said.

"By getting these professionals to conduct defect checks, owners will be able to identify problems early and get them rectified before they escalate."

National House Buyers Association secretary-general Chang Kim Loong said house buyers should hire building inspectors to look into their new homes to preempt problems later.

"Buyers may not know what defects to look out for, and for a few hundred ringgit, these professionals can do a better job," he said.

Patrick Chong was among those who had engaged a building inspector to conduct defect checks on his newly-completed condominium.

The 38-year-old manager said the one-hour inspection unveiled problems like water seepage in the guest bedroom and leakage in the bathrooms.

"Of course, I was upset over these problems. But I was glad that I engaged the inspector because if I were to do this on my own, I won’t know what to look out for.

"After the inspector’s report was submitted to the developer, the problems were immediately rectified."

Pensyarah IPTA dan Latihan Praktikal


Pensyarah IPTA wajib jalani latihan industri

KUALA LUMPUR 4 Jun – Semua pensyarah institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) diwajibkan menjalani latihan industri sebagai langkah memberi pendedahan serta mempertingkatkan mutu pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

Mengikut cadangan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, para pensyarah berkenaan perlu mengikuti latihan itu dalam tempoh terdekat ini atau pada setiap kali cuti semester.

Menterinya, Datuk Mustapa Mohamed berkata, latihan industri itu penting bagi mendedahkan para pensyarah cara kerja sebenar dalam industri.

Katanya, sebelum ini, pensyarah dalam bidang kejuruteraan dan teknologi maklumat sudah menjalani latihan seperti itu tetapi ia perlu diperkukuhkan lagi pada masa akan datang.

‘‘Semua pensyarah perlu mengambil peluang ini. Industri yang berkembang maju sekarang ini menuntut kita untuk berubah dan berada di hadapan serta menuntut para pensyarah mendalami bidang pengajian masing-masing sebelum mengajar.

‘‘Kita mahu latihan industri ini menjadi amalan biasa oleh semua pensyarah dan ia perlu dimantapkan lagi dari semasa ke semasa, jika tidak kita akan ketinggalan’’ katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri majlis dialog IPTA/IPTS bersama media di Wisma Bernama di sini hari ini.

Hadir sama Pengurus Besar Bernama, Datuk Azman Ujang.

Majlis dialog itu turut dihadiri 39 peserta yang terdiri daripada naibnaib canselor, dekan-dekan pengajian, para pensyarah, pengamal media dan para pelajar IPTA.

Dalam pada itu, Mustapa memberitahu, rumusan daripada dialog hari ini, pihaknya meluluskan penubuhan Lembaga Penasihat Industri Media yang akan dianggotai oleh pengamal media tempatan, IPTA dan IPTS.

Katanya, penubuhan lembaga itu adalah untuk memantapkan lagi kurikulum pengajian media di IPTA dan IPTS agar bertepatan dengan keperluan industri media tempatan waktu ini.

‘‘Kita mahu merapatkan jurang perbezaan antara IPTA dan IPTS dengan media tempatan.

‘‘Masalah ini perlu diselesaikan dengan segera kerana pengamal-pengamal media sekarang memberi maklum balas negatif terhadap graduan IPTA yang didapati tidak menepati kehendak pasaran kerja,’’ ujarnya.
